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 GRAY JR - Say Yes

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Messages : 12159
Date d'inscription : 10/07/2011
Age : 45
Localisation : Paris

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MessageSujet: GRAY JR - Say Yes   GRAY JR - Say Yes Icon_minitime1Mar 8 Aoû - 11:35

GRAY JR - Say Yes Say_ye10

Say Yes
JR Gray

Sortie en juillet 2017

Quatrième de couverture :

James failed.
He tried to be what they wanted.
He tried to deny it.
He tried to be a good Catholic boy…but it’s become too much.
He craves pain, submission.
He’s denied himself far too long, and it’s eating him alive.

Charles thrives off the exchange of power. He knows the world revolves around control. It’s given and taken like currency, in business and in pleasure. He won’t get attached, though, or so he tells himself, until James turns his world upside down. He’s defiant and snarky, but Charles can taste the submission on him.

Charles holds the key to his salvation but James has to Say Yes.

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