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 BRADLEY Céleste - LE CLUB DES MENTEURS - Tome 5 - The Rogue (VO)

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Messages : 12159
Date d'inscription : 10/07/2011
Age : 45
Localisation : Paris

BRADLEY Céleste - LE CLUB DES MENTEURS - Tome 5 - The Rogue (VO) Empty
MessageSujet: BRADLEY Céleste - LE CLUB DES MENTEURS - Tome 5 - The Rogue (VO)   BRADLEY Céleste - LE CLUB DES MENTEURS - Tome 5 - The Rogue (VO) Icon_minitime1Mer 13 Juil - 13:38

BRADLEY Céleste - LE CLUB DES MENTEURS - Tome 5 - The Rogue (VO) Therogue

The Rogue
Céleste Bradley

Quatrième de couverture:
Ethan Damont's legendary gambling skills have earned him a place at the gaming tables of London's most exclusive homes. He has used his dubious place in Society to aid The Liar's Club. But his latest favor to the group has not only put his life in danger-it has thrown him together with the woman who tempts him to forgo his rakish ways. Lady Jane Pennington is the ravishing niece of a suspected traitor. Now it's Ethan's job to discover if the woman he finds irresistible is naive to her uncle's deceit-or guilty of treason against the Crown... Jane can barely wait for the Season to end-until she meets Ethan Damont. After a humiliating first encounter, Jane expects a scoundrel like Ethan to joke at her expense. Instead, he behaves like a perfect gentleman. But just as Jane finds herself overcome by her desire for Ethan, he takes her captive. Suddenly, she is pulled into a dangerous world where it's impossible to know who is friend-and who is foe. Will Ethan prove to be her undoing...or the love she has always longed for?
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BRADLEY Céleste - LE CLUB DES MENTEURS - Tome 5 - The Rogue (VO)
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