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 EASTON Eli - The Lion and the Crow

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Messages : 12159
Date d'inscription : 10/07/2011
Age : 45
Localisation : Paris

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MessageSujet: EASTON Eli - The Lion and the Crow   EASTON Eli - The Lion and the Crow Icon_minitime1Mar 30 Déc - 23:03

EASTON Eli - The Lion and the Crow 17855510

The Lion and the Crow
Eli Easton

Quatrième de couverture :

This is a tale about two medieval English knights—Sir William Corbet, aka the Lion, and Sir Christian Brandon, aka The Crow. In a time when duty was everything, personal honor was more valued than life itself, and homosexuality was not tolerated by the church or society, how can these two men reconcile their deepest, most secret yearnings to love another man?

Sir Christian was raised in a household where he was hated for his unusual beauty and for the sake of his parentage. Being smaller than his six brutish half-brothers, he learned to survive by using his wits and developing a gift for strategy. He feels little loyalty to the system that’s abused him since birth.

Sir William, a large and fierce warrior, has pushed his unnatural desires down all his life. He’s determined to live up to his own ideal of a gallant knight. But when he takes up a quest to rescue his sister from her abusive lord of a husband, he’s forced to undertake a journey with Christian. It’s a partnership that will test every strand of his moral fiber, and, eventually, even his understanding of the meaning of duty, honor, and love.
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