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 EASTON Eli - A Prairie Dog's Love Song

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Messages : 12159
Date d'inscription : 10/07/2011
Age : 45
Localisation : Paris

EASTON Eli - A Prairie Dog's Love Song Empty
MessageSujet: EASTON Eli - A Prairie Dog's Love Song   EASTON Eli - A Prairie Dog's Love Song Icon_minitime1Mer 31 Déc - 12:06

EASTON Eli - A Prairie Dog's Love Song 19081610

A Prairie Dog's Love Song
Eli Easton

Quatrième de couverture :

Ben Rivers always was a showman. He won awards in 4-H and rodeo competitions from the time he could walk, and he’s happiest in the spotlight. So when he got the chance to be a star—in porn—he took it. He still loves Montana and everything about being a cowboy, but when news of his alternate identity leaks out, he figures he’s lost the town’s goodwill forever. Clyde’s Corner would never accept an openly gay cowboy, even a hometown boy born and bred.

Joshua Braintree always had the notion that he and his best friend’s kid brother, Ben, would end up together. Ben’s always been a diehard cowboy, just like him: they need the land and its freedom as much as they need air. So when Joshua learns Ben moved away from their small Montana town to be a porn star in Vegas, he can hardly believe it. He’s determined to finally declare himself and bring Ben home.

Despite his longtime crush on Joshua, Ben won’t be as easy to tame as Joshua’s “lost cause” horses. It will take a lot of heart and holiday spirit for Joshua to convince Ben that even old prairie dogs can learn new tricks in the name of love.

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2013 Advent Calendar package "Heartwarming".

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