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 HASSELL Santino - FIVE BOROUGHS - Tome 3 : First and First

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Messages : 12159
Date d'inscription : 10/07/2011
Age : 45
Localisation : Paris

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MessageSujet: HASSELL Santino - FIVE BOROUGHS - Tome 3 : First and First   HASSELL Santino - FIVE BOROUGHS - Tome 3 : First and First Icon_minitime1Dim 27 Nov - 12:04

HASSELL Santino - FIVE BOROUGHS - Tome 3 : First and First Fisrt10

First and First
Santino Hassell

Sortie VO le 18 avril 2016
Dreamspinner Press

Quatrième de couverture :

Caleb Stone was raised on the Upper East Side, where wealth and lineage reigns, and “alternative lifestyles” are hidden. It took him years to come out to his family, but he’s still stuck in the stranglehold of their expectations. Caleb knows he has to build his confidence and shake things up, but he doesn’t know how… until Oliver Buckley enters the picture.

Oli is everything Caleb isn’t—risk-taking, provocative, and fiercely independent. Disowned by his family, Oli has made his own way in the world and is beholden to no one. After a chance encounter on New Year’s Eve, Caleb is smitten.

As Caleb sheds the insecurities that have held him back for years, he makes bold steps toward changing his career and escaping years of sexual repression. But for Caleb to take full control of his life, he has to be brave enough to confront his feelings and trust Oli with his heart.

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