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 DABNEY J.M. - BRAWLERS - Tome 1 : Crave

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Messages : 12159
Date d'inscription : 10/07/2011
Age : 45
Localisation : Paris

DABNEY J.M. - BRAWLERS - Tome 1 : Crave Empty
MessageSujet: DABNEY J.M. - BRAWLERS - Tome 1 : Crave   DABNEY J.M. - BRAWLERS - Tome 1 : Crave Icon_minitime1Lun 14 Aoû - 13:45

DABNEY J.M. - BRAWLERS - Tome 1 : Crave Brawle10

JM Dabney

Sortie le 21 mars 2017

Quatrième de couverture :

Welcome to Brawlers Bar…

A quick pit stop for a comfortable bed to sleep turned into an eight-year stay. Vincent “Crave” Butler hit the road the day after college graduation and hadn’t looked behind him since. He’d swore to never stop moving, but the night he drove into Powers, Georgia changed the course of his life. He’d hit a bar called Brawlers with its rundown exterior and pride flag beside the door, the next day he had a job. Second in command to the Head of Brawler security, Crave found the place he didn’t have to run from. No one would call Crave sane. He lived to make people as uncomfortable as possible just for his own twisted amusement. That all changed when a certain cute as fuck bartender walked in for an interview.

No one wanted Twitch Harrison around. He was small, femme and annoying on his best days, downright abhorrent on his bad ones. When college turned out to be a no-go, and the parents canceled his credit cards he’d needed a job. Walking into Brawlers, the roughest gay bar in his hometown, was like a game of pick the thing that didn’t belong—him. The two owners, Scary and Tank, hired him on and four years later he was still that thing that didn’t belong. No one made it more apparent than bouncer Crave Butler who didn’t hide the fact he barely tolerated Twitch’s presence.

Crave threatened every man who thought they’d get the pretty Twitch but would Twitch rather be in their beds than his? Only one way to find out and he hoped Twitch was ready for forever because that’s what Crave was determined to have.

Lien AmazonDABNEY J.M. - BRAWLERS - Tome 1 : Crave Ir?t=auboueca-21&l=am2&o=8&a=B06XJQCZW9

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Messages : 12159
Date d'inscription : 10/07/2011
Age : 45
Localisation : Paris

DABNEY J.M. - BRAWLERS - Tome 1 : Crave Empty
MessageSujet: Re: DABNEY J.M. - BRAWLERS - Tome 1 : Crave   DABNEY J.M. - BRAWLERS - Tome 1 : Crave Icon_minitime1Ven 29 Sep - 11:41

J'ai découvert l'univers de JM Dabney par ce tome et je n'ai su qu'après coup qu'il y avait une série précédente et que c'était en fait le même univers et les mêmes personnages. Mais au final je ne le regrette pas du tout parce que le tout premier tome est un peu en dessous et je ne sais pas si j'aurais continuer à suivre la série sans cela...

En tout cas parmi les 4 Brawlers c'est clairement le moins bon. Il est sympa sans plus. Par contre les suivants sont juste géniaux !

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