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Messages : 12159
Date d'inscription : 10/07/2011
Age : 45
Localisation : Paris

DABNEY J.M. - TWIRLED WORLD INK - Tome 3 : Scary Empty
MessageSujet: DABNEY J.M. - TWIRLED WORLD INK - Tome 3 : Scary   DABNEY J.M. - TWIRLED WORLD INK - Tome 3 : Scary Icon_minitime1Mer 16 Aoû - 11:50

DABNEY J.M. - TWIRLED WORLD INK - Tome 3 : Scary Twirle12

JM Dabney

Sortie le 17 janvier 2017

Quatrième de couverture :

Welcome to Twirled World Ink where the crazies run the asylum.

Gene Sheridan earned the appropriate nickname when Legend Gib Phelps employed him at Twirled World Ink—Scary. No one made it out of his old neighborhood without scars both mental and physical. At one time, Scary thought he had a chance that is until his ex-boyfriend discovered slumming with someone like him wasn’t worth his trust fund. No-strings hookups became his go-to when he needed to relieve some tension. Co-owning a bar called Brawlers with his best friend, Tank, made it easy to find a body to use for the night. If not happy he was content with his life, but one man made content seem like such a terrible thing.

Elijah Vaughn worried about everything. His life was put on hold at eighteen when his mostly-absent parents died on one of their many adventures leaving him to raise his six-year-old brother, Brody. He’d never had anything or anyone that was just his. When Brody met a tattoo artist named Trouble, Elijah hadn’t realized how much it would change his life too. He met a huge man named Scary and how the man made him feel terrified him.

Tank Davis lost his voice the night he was attacked and had this throat slit ear-to-ear. It kept him in a world of silence. Silent and intimidating, he scared off more men than he drew to him. His best friend Scary and him made a life for themselves in small town Georgia with their bar Brawlers. Most night everyone could find him working security at the door. Scary called in a favor, and Tank met the one man he couldn’t resist, proper and upstanding Elijah Vaughn.

Can one man accept that there’s not one perfect man for him, but two damaged souls who need him to be whole?

Author's Note: Although this is the first book in a series each book is standalone and every book deals with a separate couple.

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